Sunday, April 7, 2013


Hoeing clears my unkempt land and tangled thoughts.
When a writing deadline looms, and my words remain rigidly entrenched somewhere in my brain, far beyond my best mining abilities – I head for the garden.

If worries, personal or professional, threaten my well-being – I head for the garden.
The very act of repeatedly striking something solid, and breaking it up is cathartic.
Despite vigorous whacks that diminish earth clods and eradicate thick weed clumps there is no guarantee my problems miraculously evaporate.  This is only a postage-stamped garden – not Lourdes.

Sometimes, several hoeing sessions are required to achieve Nirvana. Often sheer exhaustion from the physical labor purges a situation’s difficulties with a deep sleep.
Can hoe-hoe-hoeing bring hope?

Yes, plus a great garden as well.

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